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December 21st, 2006 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

First I’d like to say Congratulations to clan [FPA] on there victory over KNU. We look forward to having a rematch in the future.
Once again another 5 vs. 5 match for gamebattles.com Sharpshooter Ladder Match was lost to CLAN [FPA]. The members who participated were KNU’s angrybigbill200, weltz, xBangx, superbartman, and pschoenly. The 1st was streets which KNU Dominated due to excellent team work and communication.  Shortly after communication amongst the clan slowly wore off.  In the 2nd which was Dante’s the members were getting impatient and frustrated due to a clan match that was played previously  which KNU was disqualified due to a confusion with the members name and the roster on gamebattles.com. For the 3rd map which was Kill House there was no communication, no coordination, the members were getting restless and pretty much went off on there own on a death wish which ultimately led Clan [FPA] to victory over KNU.   Better Luck next time.


Unfortunate Mishap
December 18th, 2006 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

It is with my regret to inform you that we were disqualified in last nights gamebattles clan match against clan [RED]. It seems that everything was fine in the beginning of the clan match. We were down a few rounds and came back for the victory win when Clan [RED] started making accusations against our members stating that the member’s names on gamebattles.com weren’t matching their gamertags. An investigation was placed by 1 of the gamebattles referee’s who came to the conclusion that our members names didn’t match, that we were not eligible to participate in the match. Its seems that your gamebattle I.D must match your xboxlive gamertag. I’ve provided a link down below to a conversation with our members to one of the admins over at gamebattles.com.
Gamebattles Ruling

P Escobar

P.S Please be sure that all your information is correct. We cannot afford another mishap like this.

1st Victory
December 18th, 2006 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]
First a foremost I’d like to thank the Koma-inu members that participated in last night’s victory over clan [BAD].  We are currently 1-0 on the Winter Season 07: Team Survival Ladder for gamebattles.com, we are now ranked 149. The clan match consisted of  5 rounds on 3 maps for 5 minutes on the team survival game type. The Teams for this match  were MVP Smar19, Left0v3rCrack,Angrybigbill200, PIcUda, Weltz,  Whitelightnin33, and P4BL0 EsC0BaR. Volt as our 1st map, Dam as their 2nd map, 3rd map was not determined. Seconds into the clan match KNU members were able to determine teams, Feild positions, and points of entry which ultimately led us to our 1st victory against clan [BAD].  Overall it was a good clean match, both clans played extremely well and we are looking forward to a rematch later in the future. Till then, safe gaming and Happy Holidays to all! 

P Escobar

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