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[ # ] DEFEAT
December 21st, 2006 under Uncategorized

First I’d like to say Congratulations to clan [FPA] on there victory over KNU. We look forward to having a rematch in the future.
Once again another 5 vs. 5 match for gamebattles.com Sharpshooter Ladder Match was lost to CLAN [FPA]. The members who participated were KNU’s angrybigbill200, weltz, xBangx, superbartman, and pschoenly. The 1st was streets which KNU Dominated due to excellent team work and communication.  Shortly after communication amongst the clan slowly wore off.  In the 2nd which was Dante’s the members were getting impatient and frustrated due to a clan match that was played previously  which KNU was disqualified due to a confusion with the members name and the roster on gamebattles.com. For the 3rd map which was Kill House there was no communication, no coordination, the members were getting restless and pretty much went off on there own on a death wish which ultimately led Clan [FPA] to victory over KNU.   Better Luck next time.